How To Increase Sexual Stamina For Older Men

By Chris Chew

Older men usually lament,”How can I have sex as often as I used to have when I was a 20 year old?” This is a very common question on male sexuality. The question to ask should be “How often did you have sex when you were in your 20s?”

You see, mail sexual stamina, skills and capacities differ greatly from one man to another. However, let’s just assume that you had some pretty good sexual stamina when you were in your 20s. Then the next question would be what kind of physical shape are you in now as compared to when you were full of sexual stamina decades ago?

This is because making is an aerobic activity and for most men in their 40s and beyond, they aren’t nearly as fit and active as they used to be and this state of physical fitness do have a large implication on your sexual performances.

Ok, let’s be realistic guys. If you are in your late thirties and beyond, your heart thumps like a jackhammer when climbing up a flight of stairs, then that is definitely going to affect your sexual prowess.


Even putting your low physical fitness level aside, there is another very serious reason why some older men can’t make love as long and as often as they used to do. The reason is lack of sexual arousal.

It is a fact that many older men, being able to continuously have sex like they did when they were much younger has a lot to do with how strong a level of arousal they can keep and maintain. As a general rule of the thumb, although not exclusively, older men, especially those men who are very well seasoned sexually need to have more sexual stimulation to achieve the same level of physical arousal they had in their early twenties, even though the desire to have frequent sex is still there.

So one of the first keys to have more sexual stamina is to make sure that you are in a good physical shape and that your sex partner knows how to keep you physically aroused and not just emotionally charged up.

Therefore the best suggestion here is to start an exercise program to improve your physical health and stamina. If you are overweight, then start to losing weight as obesity is also a major cause for poor sexual stamina and erectile dysfunction.

Furthermore, a good physical workout also increases your natural production of the hormone called testosterone which is also the hormone that is largely responsible for getting your penis hard and giving you better sexual stamina.

You see, every man has a certain level of physical arousal at which they function at their best sexually. That level of arousal is unique to each and every male and to each particular sexual activity. As mentioned earlier, having great sex is a very physical activity, but due to various reasons, usually socialization issues, erroneous beliefs, bad mental programing etc., most men come into a sexual encounter way too high on the arousal scale for their own good. Can you guess what some of the symptoms of hyper arousal in a sexual context are? Yup. Erectile dysfunction and pre-mature ejaculation.

So what can you do to improve and even increase your sexual stamina? Well, the first thing is to see your doctor to rule out anything dire that is wrong with your penis and sexual organ. Your doctor will also have to assess whether your impotency or sexual dysfunction is due to blood circulation problems like high blood pressure.

After having your medical checks done, then determine whether you are in a poor physical fitness state. If you are, go get some form of cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis that is enjoyable for you. Then while you are building up and increasing your sexual stamina, go and have sex a lot. You can do that with natural male sexual penis enhacement pills that are made from natural herbs and thus are safe and do not require a doctor’s prescription to give you a gigantic boost to your sexual stamina.

Have fun, enjoy your new found sexual stamina. Way to go, Tiger.

About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Testosterone Increase Male Libido and How To Have Alpha Male Sex Appeal


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